hello! i am C.
i am a person who is currently in long-term treatment for CPTSD & DID.
during my years in treatment so far, i've spent a lot of time researching and talking to people about DID to help me understand myself and find new ways to help me cope and manage with my symptoms in my day to day life.
this is a work-in-progress website for collecting my personal favourite mental health resources, as well as resources i've created myself for others to use, if they should find them helpful.
of course, you do not need to have DID to benefit from most of these resources, nor does having DID mean everything here will be helpful to you. everyone with mental illness is different, and many people across different conditions also can benefit from similar things. please feel free to explore different resources and take what is useful, and leave what is not.
bear in mind i am not a psychologist, and i do not wholly endorse any specific individuals or organisations. consume all research critically. all reasonable disclaimers apply.
thank you for visiting!
summary of site.
Coping Skills
comprehensive online guides for understanding & managing symptoms of CPTSD & DID
link favourite specific guides that I would like to bookmark for myself
interactive self-care guide
(McKay et al., 2007)
summary of book.
(Boon et al., 2011)
summary of book.
(Fisher, 2017)
summary of book. (largely informational, features helpful exercises in the appendix)
(van der Hart, 2006)
summary of book.
(ISSTD, 2011)
summary of site. what it says that is helpful.
This is an extensive guide I created for people who want to create characters with DID and want some insight, prompts, and guidance.
I cover fundamentals, alter functions, lesser known symptoms, the impact of trauma, and my objectively correct opinions on what makes a DID character/narrative feel real and satisfying to me.
I decided to make this document while acting as a sensitivity reader/consultant for a few writers already, since I figured making a master document for wider and more generalised use would be helpful. That said, if you want specific opinions or guidance for your OC or story, feel free to hit me up! I love artists and I love supporting them.
This is a worksheet I created for dissecting your alters and trying to get to the fundamentals of who they are and what they represent to you.
It is intentionally removed from traditional 'alter templates' that are often endogenic-oriented, in favour of a trauma-first approach more fitting to individuals with DID. The questions themselves are all things I keep note of regarding my own parts, that I have found particularly helpful or illuminating as I've gone through treatment.
Hypothetically, this could also be used by individuals with dissociative subtype CPTSD and other parts-based disorders, but it was created with DID in mind.
⚠︎ Please read my disclaimer in full before using this worksheet.
note to self: split up sections so the page isn't so long